Monday, November 17, 2008

Another Birthday.

"How old are you?" you ask.

"I am 39." I respond.

I am not comfortable with that; it doesn't roll of my tongue as easily as I would like. All last week I made jokes with co-workers, friends and Rourk about my age. Mostly I'd say, "Yeah, I'll be 29 my birthday." I said it so much that the fun wore off.

Thirty nine.

Well, it is not 40, but oddly enough I think 40 sounds better.

Isn't it the new thirty?


SpencersMum said...

Happy Birthday my dear friend!!!! You and I are the same age.....29!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Marcy!

Who cares how old you are year-wise? That doesn't matter. What matters is how you feel inside.

amy jean said...

Happy Birthday to my "oldest" and dearest friend. That wasn't a dig about being old just that you've been in my life for so long...and I thank God every day for that.

Long's Joyful Journey said...

Happy Birthday! I thought you were like 30! Hope you had a great day!

Eliza said...

Happy 29th Birthday!! hehe