Monday, March 19, 2012

Pregnancy According to Ryan.

When we were potty training Ryan I used to sing, "Pee pee on the potty. Pee pee on the potty. Pee pee on the potty. That's what you did!". And then I'd clap and celebrate wildly every time he was successful. He still sings this song from time to time, but tonight while he was getting ready for bed he sang this version, "Baby in the tummy. Baby in the tummy. Baby in the tummy. That's what you did!"

Wait, it gets better...

The other night Ryan wanted to give the baby a hug so I let him hug my emerging stomach. Afterward he put a hand on each side of my tummy and while squeezing asked, "Can I pop it?"


Anonymous said...

I can remember, when Ryan was just a wee lad, that he loved music and dancing. We would dance around the room with him giggling.
That (music) may be the way he learns best. I think it is wonderful that he sang to you with the same tune you sang to him.
Try singing other things you want him to learn.

Anonymous said...

I can remember, when Ryan was just a wee lad, that he loved music and dancing. We would dance around the room with him giggling.
That (music) may be the way he learns best. I think it is wonderful that he sang to you with the same tune you sang to him.
Try singing other things you want him to learn.